
Local Organiser
Local Organiser
Jenny Gray
Local Organiser
Local Organiser
Susan Hooper

We meet in the evenings usually on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. We are a vibrant group that have a book group and also arrange outings. We have some daytime meetings as well as regular group meetings in the evening every two weeks. The varied programme includes both light-hearted and serious discussion topics and features contact with other nearby groups.

Latest updates from Trentham

Upcoming events at Trentham

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Trentham, TRENTHAM group

Organisations, history and purpose

29 Jul 2024

e.g. YHA, National Trust, Girl Guides, YMCA

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Trentham, TRENTHAM group


14 Aug 2024

Hem Heath woods to Wedgwood with a picnic

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Trentham, TRENTHAM group

Walk and picnic

14 Aug 2024

walk through Hem Heath Woods to Wedgwood then back along canal stopping for a picnic at Wedgwood

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Newcastle under Lyme Fire, TRENTHAM group

Book Group

19 Aug 2024

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Trentham, TRENTHAM group


22 Aug 2024

The history of the Ordinance Survey, local maps and maps of where you were born and how areas have changed

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Trentham Church, TRENTHAM group

Heritage Open Day

6 Sep 2024

Heritage open day and NWR serving refreshments on Friday evening. Further details will be sent out

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Fire Station, TRENTHAM group

Book Group

18 Sep 2024

The Bees by Laline Paull

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Trentham , TRENTHAM group


25 Sep 2024

AGM and write an acrostic of the word COURAGE

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Stone, Staffordshire, TRENTHAM group

Caribbean music

7 Oct 2024

Talk on the music of the Caribbean late sixties, early seventies

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Fire Station , TRENTHAM group

Book Group

14 Oct 2024

Planning meeting

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Trentham , TRENTHAM group

Walk and Lunch

15 Oct 2024

walk and lunch at Oak Tree Farm

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Trentham , TRENTHAM group

What is in a name

23 Oct 2024

Research a famous/interesting person with the name Mary , or if you have a middle name, someone who has this…

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Trentham 2pm, TRENTHAM group

planning Meeting

7 Nov 2024

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Trentham , TRENTHAM group

Telephone Treasure Trail

12 Nov 2024

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Trentham 7pm, TRENTHAM group

Christmas Party

2 Dec 2024

Caribbean themed party and food with a quiz

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Trentham , TRENTHAM group


18 Dec 2024

looking at hairstyles from when we were young to current styles with demonstration on latest styles.


Programme Spring 2023


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