Two members of Kilbarchan Group met with Susan Jackson from Lymington who was visiting Glasgow. On an unusually hot day for September in Scotland, they joined a guided walk of Glasgow Green and the Calton area followed by lunch at The Singl-end – a quirky eatery with delicious onsite baked goodies. The tour began beside the famous Doulton Terracotta Fountain – the largest terracotta fountain in the world which is sited in front of The People’s Palace on Glasgow Green. At 14 metres it features soldiers from Great Britain’s former colonies. The free 2 hour tour was packed with fascinating historical information.

They learnt about the legend of St Enoch – St Mungo’s mother – from the mural dedicated to her and visited a memorial garden commemorating the deaths of 29 women and girls in 1889 at the Templeton carpet weaving factory. There are 29 stars in the mural (see below) dedicated to the victims of this tragedy.

The passed an impressive church St Andrews in the Square. This was built by the Tobacco Barons for their exclusive use and also the Steeple Toll which dates from c1634. The tour also included this colourful mural of Sir Billy Connelly – one of three across the city.