Heaven scent!

What is a smell anyway?
Our last meeting was all about smell – or is it scent, odour, fragrance, pong, stink, aroma, whiff, our sense of smell….?
After much thought and Googling, we came to the conclusion that it is a minefield, and ‘smell’ could encompass just about all of those, and there IS a difference between good and bad smells.
Margaret, always prepared, presented us with trays full of objects gathered from around her house, and each of us brought something meaningful. From Elizabeth Arden, through shoe polish to TCP, we sniffed, pulled all manner of faces, and reminisced about all kinds of lifetime experiences evoked by particular smells.
It was a brilliant subject to evoke discussion about science, marketing, childhood, holidays, dictionary definitions and a whole lot more. Definitely one to recommend to other groups!