And the award goes to…

NWR has a habit of setting thoughts and ideas in motion…


In June 2014 the Trentham group looked at the significance and value of war memorials, including their local one.

Marilyn Vigurs, from the Trentham Group tells us more:

“We thought it would be interesting to research the seventeen names listed on the memorial from the First World War. Eventually we tracked down information for all but one of the men, but we could NOT stop there. Ten of us formed ourselves into the Trentham World War One Project group and set about finding out more about who lived in this community 100 years ago and how they coped with the dark days of the war.

Over the past three years, we have used our subsequent researches to make four films, engage with local schools, organise two Heritage Open Days, run community events, mount exhibitions and lead heritage walks. We also undertook all our own fundraising. It seems as though our efforts have NOT gone unnoticed. In September 2018, we won the community group of the year in the Our Heroes awards run by our local newspaper.

That NWR meeting back in 2014 took us on quite a journey. We would NOT have missed the experience, but we will NOT be doing anything similar anytime soon!”

The photo shows five members of the project group receiving the award.