Christmas competition: Win £25 of handmade cards!

Enter the NWR Christmas competition to win £25 worth of handmade Christmas cards.

Christmas is coming! Are you buried in wrapping paper and tinsel? Or have you yet to start even think about Christmas? Let us help lighten the load… Answer this Christmas quiz question for a chance to win £25 worth of handcrafted Christmas Cards. That’s one thing off the to do list!

The cards are made by our very own creative Jeanette House who will also be judging the competition. Jeanette is a qualified artist and designer and produces cards for two national charities.

Simply answer the following question:

Why do you appreciate handmade cards rather than mass-produced ones?

Send your answer to [email protected] with the subject, “Christmas card competition”. Include your name and contact details. Good luck!

Final date for entry midnight on 30th November 2014.

And the winner is…

I really appreciate sending handmade cards because they are unique and special, just like my unique and special friends – by Christine Harrison

Congratulations to Christine Harrison of Pickering! The runners up were Lynn Welsher and Nicole Riddock.

“[We had] some outstanding responses and it was very difficult to select the best,” said designer and competition judge, Jeanette House, “The winning statement was chosen because it was short and punchy.”

A £25 box of cards will be winging its way to Christine this week!