Croquet in Leighton Buzzard

We have been playing croquet at Leighton Linslade Croquet Club for a while now, thanks to Gwyn Grout who is a member of both NWR and the croquet club, of which she is chair, and Sue McGill, her fellow experienced player.  The game has become a popular part of our summer programme.

On the glorious day that was 10 August, six of our members took to the court for the final time this summer.    Most of the players are quite new to the game.  However, they had Gwyn to support them, and they played a couple of matches, learning and teaching as they played.   Most importantly, they had enormous fun.   At least one member and her husband previously joined the club as a result of her NWR experience.

Alice in Wonderland always comes to mind when thinking of croquet.   I’m so pleased that the players used mallets and not flamingos!