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Cross-border support: Tavistock and Glasgow groups ‘twin’ to master Zoom

We asked NWR groups to tell us how they have been fairing in lockdown, and were delighted to hear from Tavistock group. Sue White, Local Organiser (LO) for Tavistock, told us how her group had been helped to adapt to meeting online:

“At the outset of COVID, Tavistock NWR had been apprehensive about converting to Zoom meetings, however, we were anxious to participate in the November Telephone Treasure Trail, and four members agreed to go online supported by phone contact with other members. This led to a willingness to develop our IT competences further.

“Whilst clue holder that week for the TTT, I found myself speaking to a very friendly Scottish NWR group and that gave me the idea, ‘Could our group be shown the way by another NWR group?’, and as they say, the rest is history.

“Deena Kraven, LO for the Glasgow group, was most welcoming when asked if Tavistock could twin with Glasgow. Initially, three of us from Tavistock group joined a Glasgow Zoom meeting, and then participated in several online meetings. We learnt how Glasgow group ran their meetings, how Scotland was coping with the pandemic, and enjoyed an introduction to the city of Glasgow.

“So thanks to Deena and help from Glasgow’s NWR, Tavistock group now have regular fortnightly Zoom meetings and are going from strength-to-strength with the support from our friends north of the border.”

If NWR members would like to be put in touch with a group using Zoom, to learn about their experiences, hints and techniques, please contact the National Office team.