Granthams 2017 update so far!

Grantham is off to a good start,  meeting in the evenings  on 5th January, finding a good news story from the papers and discussing it,  and on 19th January we researched  British artists, there were no duplications and we learnt a lot about artists such as John Constable.

On the alternate Thursdays we meet in members houses for coffee and social chat, we met on 12th January and again on 26th January. We have a lot of January birthdays so this meeting was a very happy time but not just because of this, one of our members who had a significiant birthday on 30th December invited us to stay on after coffee for lunch, and wow what a super lunch 13 of us enjoyed. so our thanks to our friend for her hospitality!

On 2nd February at our evening meeting we researchd the Letter ‘G’ it was intersting to hear how this letter developed over the years, members brought stories and objects, such as Glass paper weights, Garnet necklace and the story behind it, Garden festivals of the 1980/90s,  & Galaxy chocolate. We sampled Grantham Gingerbread freshley made locally, and Galaxy Chololate.

We also have a book group that is reading 6 books during 2017 around the NWR theme, our first was ‘The Violent Land by Jorge Amado. Some of us found it a hard read and very violent. It was about the making of the Cocoa Fields in Brazil. Some of our small group managed to read it all and found it interesting.  Our next book is I am Malala: the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. by Christina Lamb & Malala Yousafzal. We meet to discuss this on 27th March.

Our programe continues witha coffee morning on 9th February and our Brazil evening on 16th February.

Check our programme for more details