Mary Stott winner, Ann Clegg, climbs Everest four times over! (Well, sort of…)

This year’s Mary Stott Award went to Ann Clegg, member of Sheffield/Fulwood NWR, for walking the complete South West Coast Path on her own and despite recovering from knee surgery.


At 630 miles, the South West Coast Path is England’s longest way-marked footpath. It runs from Minehead in Somerset, through Devon and Cornwall, to Poole Harbour in Dorset. It is one of the most challenging trails in the UK as it rises and falls with every river mouth. Ann would have climbed a total height of 114,931 ft – that’s almost four times the height of Mount Everest!






Congratulations, Ann, on your fantastic achievement!

Find out more about the South West Coast Path at


Cover image by Hardo Muller. All other images by Anne Clegg.