NWR arrives in Welwyn!

The Welwyn NWR group met for the first time on 8 July in the Rose and Crown in Welwyn Village (thank you for sectioning off a quiet part of the pub for us!).

Cath started the meeting by providing a brief history of NWR – how it was formed in the 1960s and how it has evolved into a national women’s membership organisation and charity. We then launched into the meeting’s discussion topic “What are we allowed to do now that we weren’t in the 1960s, 70s and 80s and vice versa”.

Our thoughts mostly revolved around women’s rights and equality, particularly in the workplace and around financial independence. Some members recalled not being able to have a mortgage in their name without a male signatory or join a trade union, this surprised our younger members. Members also shared how what they are permitted to do within their professions has changed, notably the introduction of the national curriculum for teachers and tighter regulations within medical research. There are positive and negative consequences to these changes, but all agreed that the requirement to wear a motorcycle helmet and a seat belt in a car is a good thing.

Following the discussion there was plenty of time for a chat and to get to know one another. We look forward to the next meeting!