We enjoyed a sunny, breezy walk beside the Lodes and Fens at Cambridgeshire’s Wicken Fen.

Butterflies and dragonflies were in abundance amongst an array of wild flowers and water plants. We were excited to catch sight of the Highland cattle and Konik ponies which are free to roam the Fen and are used to graze the scrub, helping to maintain the unique wetland habitat.

After we’d refreshed ourselves with lunch at the National Trust’s Docky Hut Café, we visited the traditional Fenman’s Cottage and tried to imagine what life was like for the families who lived and worked there. We were interested to learn it was constructed of mostly locally sourced materials with reed and sedge for the thatched roof, some peat bricks and local clay.

The day left us wanting to explore and find out more about this important and fascinating wetland.