We are a group of friendly lively minded women who love to keep our minds active in a variety of ways. We meet fortnightly with our usual format of discussions, research, quizzes – almost anything goes! We have a book group using the library reading group scheme to borrow a wide range of books. These we meet to discuss and review every 5 or 6 weeks. We have lots of ad hoc meetings during the day – coffee mornings or walks and trips out. Some of us are members of the NWR Facebook groups so we can have contact with the wider NWR world. Likewise we can be found at the various day conferences around the country. Whoever you are be reassured you will get a warm welcome and a circle of friends if you joined us. A final point, you are entitled to 2 free meetings before committing to join us, what have you got to lose?
Contact Crewe & District Group
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Local Organiser
Jill Lucas
Latest updates from Crewe & District
Upcoming events at Crewe & District
Church Lane, Wistaston, CREWE & DISTRICT group
The Channel Islands NWR’s featured country
6 Mar 2025
NWR’s country this year. For the first of our meetings on this subject please research one aspect – history, geography,…
Hodnet Hall Gardens
Hodnet Gardens
The House HHG
Tithe Barn HHG
Borders HHG
Lake HHG
This group doesn’t share any links at the moment