
Local Organiser
Local Organiser
Elisabeth Crundwell
Local Organiser
Local Organiser
Liz Timmer

There are currently 19 members in Horsham NWR Group. We meet on Thursday evenings. Our Book Group meets regularly on the first Thursday of the month, discussion group meetings are on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Meetings start at 7.30pm and usually last about two hours. The average attendance is 16 members and we meet in members’ homes. We also have weekly coffee mornings and occasional outings to places of interest such as Lancing College and a Salmon tasting experience. We have also visited various NGS gardens and enjoyed a Sculpture Trail walk at Buchan Park which was led by Janine Creaye whose trail is established in this park. We enjoy an annual barbecue and meals out. We occasionally invite a local author to talk about their writing.

Some members walk on a Friday. We have recently completed The Diamond Way which is from Midhurst to Heathfield. 60 miles to mark NWR diamond Anniversary! We have walked the Worth Way and the West Sussex Literary Trail which is from Horsham to Chichester. There is an excellent blog on this by one of our members. You will find out about our adventures at amnwr.blogspot.com

West Sussex Literary Trail

We have enjoyed many adventurous walks and outings from Polesden Lacey to The Tower of London and the NGS Garden at Colwood House. Warninglid. Sussex.

The last photograph was from a few years back. It was a wild evening when we walked in local woods to see the Bluebells. We were rewarded by a meal at Sumners Pond.

You might think you would need to go to France to see Lavender in such profusion. This beautiful place can be found in the South Downs. see https://lordingtonlavender.co.uk/

Upcoming events at Horsham

The Horsham group hasn’t listed any upcoming events at the moment.